Retirement Planning and Wealth Management

Group Private Medical Insurance

Group Private Medical Insurance (PMI) is a valuable benefit that gives your employees access to private healthcare so; that way they can get back on their feet, fast.

What is Group Private Medical Insurance?

Group PMI is designed to provide access to healthcare professionals in the event of ill health. It often supplements care provided by the NHS, reducing waiting times for consultation, diagnosis or treatment, so your employees get back on their feet quickly.

What are the business benefits of Group Private Medical Insurance?

The key benefits to your business can be reduced rates of absence and improved retention rates.

Group Private Medical Insurance is a valuable employee benefit, helping to ensure staff remain loyal to your business and reducing staff turnover. It also means that your employees can access medical support sooner which often results in a reduction in staff absences.

Given the growing awareness of mental health issues and stress, most healthcare providers cover the diagnosis, counselling sessions and medical treatment when needed.

Healthcare can be one of the most important work benefits for employees. For businesses aiming to recruit and retain talent, having a comprehensive healthcare package in place is vital.